Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Twitter, Porn Stars and Me

In my pursuit of all things porno, I have a great deal of appreciation for the internet and how it has evolved over the years. I started out with the 30 second porn clips on crude web sites, then moved on to chat rooms on Yahoo, exchanging pictures via email, video chat, and downloading full scenes and movies from torrent sites (I may go into more detail about some of these in a later posting). Being an old fellow, I pretty much ignored social networking - if I didn't know you or haven't talked to you in years, why should I be interested in what you have to say? Sure, I found a couple of interesting sites on MySpace, but it wasn't worth joining the site.

Then I heard about something called twitter, which by its description sounded like the most annoying thing I could think of. Broadcasting messages about yourself indiscriminately on the internet all day long? How conceited is that? Who honestly believes anyone cares about everything they are doing (except Ashton Kutcher)?

What changed my mind was Bill Simmons the Sports Guy ( He is a humorous sport columnist who does articles and podcasts for ESPN. At one time he shared my opinion about twitter. Then he started using it to comment on sporting events as they happen and to advertise when new articles and podcasts were posted. I decided to sign up to follow him.

When you sign up for any internet site two things happens: you get spam and you explore all the features.  Twitter is rather interesting to explore; you can see who is following and who follows each other. As you jump from person to person, you can get some really interesting glimpses of people (yes, I admit I was wrong). I was just planning on following Bill, but then I picked up on other sites like The Onion  (, Shit my dad says ( and other funny posters. 
One day, out of curiosity, I typed in one of my favorite porn star's name. Much to my surprise, I found her.  And then I looked at who she follows. And so on.

I had to get me some of this.

The first thing I did was make a new twitter account just for the purpose of following adult actresses - I don't really want people to know what I do in my spare time (I might want to run for public office someday - HA!). I then started following some of the stars. A portion of their tweets are announcements of appearances, updates to their pay websites, etc. But I found out a lot of interesting things:
  • Most of them have pets that they post pictures of on Twitter pix sites
  • They have incredible travel schedules and the usual travel problems: late flights, lost luggage, etc.
  • They like to eat
  • They like to kid around with their friends
  • Some are married with kids or are in a steady relationship
In other words, they are people. People who are interesting in their own rights (besides what they do for a living). People who I'd like to talk to even if I hadn't seen them naked more times than my wife.

So what the heck, I tweeted them.

And they tweet me back! One actually follows ME!

I'm not after any kind of a sexual thrill from these interactions. I just like having conversations with them. I know it isn't really friendship, but we have back and forth tweets and I can make them laugh. I'm glad I have the opportunity to know them beyond what I've seen.  And who knows, maybe they’re glad to know me?

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